Business Intelligence Bulletin - COVID19 Update

Walt Farrell

Published March 5, 2020

Press Release

 Georgia Chamber Encourages Fact-Based Decision Making on COVID19
Both U.S. Chamber and Governor Kemp’s Office point to CDC as best source for information

 The Georgia Chamber is encouraging Georgia businesses to make fact-based decisions and to stay updated regarding COVID19.

“We thank Governor Brian Kemp and his steady hand through the early days of the process to keep Georgia safe and our economy strong,” said Chris Clark, Georgia Chamber President and CEO.  “We are working daily with the U.S. Chamber and our local partners to provide the latest insights and information for Georgia businesses.”

For factual resources during this global health concern, please review the following employer resource links:

Based on response from Chamber members desiring to register for our upcoming programs, but under individual company restrictions to attend, the Georgia Chamber will postpone its Future of Free Enterprise event for March 23, 2020. A rescheduled date will be announced later in the second quarter.

The Georgia Chamber will continue to keep members and partners informed on the latest news and facts surrounding this issue and work to send out communication as it is deemed relevant, timely and beneficial. For more information on the Georgia Chamber, please visit