Innovation and Technology Policy Committee Update

Walt Farrell

Published July 31, 2019

Press Release

The automotive industry is faced with dealers who need to be more profitable and consumers who are in search of affordable transportation. Additionally, there have been advancements in technology making autonomous vehicles and electric vehicles more common, but not yet widely utilized. This creates an opportunity to utilize advancements to innovate, benefiting consumers and dealers. Cox Automotive argues that while there is uncertainty regarding what changes will be made in the future, if entities do not plan for change they will never be able to catch up. Subscription services are now being offered by some automotive manufacturers and rideshares are also being used extensively. Both of these innovations in the industry present a new need for fleet vehicle management.

Cox Automotive has launched a new division, Cox Automotive Mobility, that will provide end-to- end services that can be brought to the car or offered at a facility. Cox Automotive recently opened Pivet, a facility that provides these end-to-end solutions to simplify fleet operation and maximize uptime for vehicles. In the coming years, cars are expected to drive five to eight times more than an average vehicle so maintenance will become paramount to keep cars safe and in top condition. Innovations and technological advancements present new opportunities to address service gaps and expand possibilities for companies and consumers in the New Georgia Economy.

To learn more about Pivet click here. To learn more about the Georgia Chamber’s Policy Committees, contact Daniela Perry at